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  • Writer's pictureEmma Spicer

Is Nando's REALLY that good?

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

Let’s face it, we all love a Nando's. As soon as someone around me mentions it I literally cannot get it off my mind. But after reading the Metro article on why the popular Afro-Portuguese chain isn't all it’s cracked up to be, I'm having second thoughts...

In short- the piece written by Ellen Stewart basically suggests the chain is overrated for what it is, which is apparently "KFC for people who are lying to themselves"... Harsh.

I can’t disagree enough with this article. The presentation alone of the food shows how much care has gone into it, and when was the last time you snapped a picture of your KFC for the ‘gram? Never right? Because Nando’s has an element to it that you don't get with regular fast food. Surely this shows how Nando’s has come into its own in the restaurant chain industry?

I can level on the argument Ellen discusses with the chain feeling like a fast food place. The style of ordering is similar to that of a table service option in McDonald’s. But surely this means other restaurants, like Gourmet Burger Kitchen, who have the same ordering style aren’t seen as quick and fast meals? Of course not, because it isn’t just the food that fuels Nando’s popularity.

It’s the internet meme’s of Brits using some sort of ‘code’ against Americans when talking about Nando’s. It's the 'Nando's' rap that brought Ed Sheeran fame. It’s the rumour that Beyoncé once spent £1,500 at the chain. It’s the elusive secret of the black card. All this free publicity is what Nando’s thrives off of as a chain, and it's clearly worked. It's weird to think that a restaurant's popularity is solely based on weird, eccentric stories about it, but I think without these- Nando's would definitely not be in the position it is now.

I'd love to hear hear where YOU stand on this 'cheeky' debate in the comments below...

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